Third Call for Papers

The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2024) 

Co-located with ACL 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand, August 16, 2024. (Hybrid Mode).

ArabicNLP 2024 invites long (up to 8 pages), short (up to 4 pages), and demo paper  (up to 4 pages) submissions. Bibliographic references do not contribute to page length limits.  Long and short papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee; presentation mode does not reflect the quality of the work.

Submissions are invited on topics that include, but are not limited to, the following:

Submissions may include work in progress as well as finished work. Submissions must have a clear focus on specific issues pertaining to the Arabic language whether it is standard Arabic, dialectal, classical, or mixed. Papers on other languages sharing problems faced by Arabic NLP researchers, such as Semitic languages or languages using Arabic script, are welcome provided that they propose techniques or approaches that would be of interest to Arabic NLP, and they explain why this is the case.  Additionally, papers on efforts using Arabic resources but targeting other languages are also welcome. Descriptions of commercial systems are welcome, but authors should be willing to discuss the details of their work. We also welcome position papers and surveys about any of the above topics.

Important Note: OpenReview has a new moderation policy:

Anonymity Period:

We follow ACL which does not require anonymity periods anymore (see

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 pm UTC -12h (“Anywhere on Earth”). 

There are eight exciting shared tasks: 

Paper Submission Instructions

Paper template

Paper submissions must use the official ACL style templates, which are available here (Latex and Word). Please follow the paper formatting guidelines general to "*ACL" conferences available here. Authors may not modify these style files or use templates designed for other conferences.

Abstract and Paper Submission

If you have any questions, please contact us at: